Why does your glaze come off your piece?

Sometimes the glaze doesn’t want to cooperate. Everything seems totally ok when you apply it, but then it comes off flake by flake as it dries. Or maybe even applying it doesn’t work as planned?
Picture of Nele Ostyn
Nele Ostyn

Forever learning.

There are many possible causes of glaze problems. We list three important tips.

Make sure your piece is clean

Maybe you lightly sanded your piece to get rid of some bumps. Maybe your piece was waiting for its glaze for a while, in a dusty studio. Or maybe you didn’t do anything special at all, but still your piece collected a lot of dust and stray clay particles. And these can cause the glaze to not adhere well to the clay.

In addition to clay particles and dust, you may also discover greasy spots on your piece. These, too, can throw a spanner in the works. They occur because the natural oils on your hands leave their marks very easily.

The solution? Make sure you wash your hands before you touch your bisque-fired work. And clean your piece well before you start glazing. You can immerse it completely, although you will have to wait patiently for the clay to dry completely again. Or you can also use a sponge or a damp cloth. Just dust it off, and you’re done!

Mix your glaze thoroughly

A glaze consists of several components. To work properly, these must be present in the right proportions. But if a glaze sits untouched for a long time, certain components sink to the bottom. And that can cause you to lose the right proportions when applying.

The effect varies. Sometimes the glaze does not adhere well to the clay and application is very difficult. Sometimes the glaze flakes off during drying. And sometimes you get very unexpected results after firing.

The solution? Be sure to stir your glaze well. While doing so, be sure to scrape across the bottom and include all corners well. You can just use a stick or beater for this, or a hand blender. Do you choose glaze that you make yourself from powder? Then it’s also important to strain it well. Only then will you get the right density.

Emmer glazuur naast borden

Don't apply your glaze too thickly

Especially if it is your first time icing a particular shape, you prefer to proceed carefully and slowly.
Seems logical, but it can also cause you to apply your glaze too thickly.
And that has its consequences.

Often cracks will already appear in your glaze during drying. If you then fire the piece anyway, the glaze will start to recede. This often creates ugly bald spots on your piece.

The solution? When you dip a piece of work in glaze, don’t keep it under for too long. Too short, of course, is not good either: a quiet, smooth movement is best. If you are pouring over the piece, the same message actually applies: don’t let the glaze run around the clay for too long. Finding the right balance is not easy, of course, but practice makes perfect!

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