Paper stencil
A simple but effective way of decorating is to use stencils. You can use different materials as stencils, and each material has its own effect.
A simple but effective way of decorating is to use stencils. You can use different materials as stencils, and each material has its own effect.
A tagine is a Moroccan stew pot made of earthenware. The tagine consists of a flat dish and a cone-shaped lid.
Because music is a wonderful source of inspiration, I went looking for songs related to clay or pottery.
Top 20 pottery songs (part 1) Read More »
If you are working with a type of clay that already has a nice colour of its own, it may be an idea not to glaze it, but only to polish it.
Polishing, how does it work? Read More »
Mocha diffusion is a very special way to decorate ceramics. Mocha tea is carefully drizzled or spread onto a wet layer of clay slip.
Following the motto ‘it doesn’t always have to be a bowl’, have you ever made a spoon out of clay?
Clay contains a lot of water. When that water evaporates during drying, and during firing, the clay particles move closer together, and your piece shrinks.
The shrinkage of clay Read More »
Sgraffito is a term derived from the Italian sgraffiare, meaning ‘to scratch’.
What is sgraffito? Read More »